Compressed files are archives that contain one or more files. This is done to save time when downloading them(smaller size) and to make distribution easier(downloading one file is better than downloading many). Keep in mind that in order to use an emulator that you downloaded in a compressed format you will need to extract it first. Some emulators can read compressed roms(no need to extract the roms).
ZIP is probably the most well known compression format. Windows XP have build in the ability to manage such files. If you have another operating system or need a better program that handles such files look at the bottom of this page. RAR files are compressed archives that were created using the WinRAR program..rxx(00-99) files are multi part files that were created using WinRAR. To extract them just place all the files in one folder along with the rar file that came with them and just extract the first file.
The rest will automatically follow..7z files are compressed files using the open source 7-Zip format. File Platform License Date Size Windows Shareware N/A N/A Many Shareware N/A N/A Many Open Source N/A N/A Windows Shareware N/A N/A S I T E S E A R C H.
In this version, we have focused on the Cocoa frontend, but there have been some good core fixes over so long. Notably, the save-related issues resulting in the advice “dont use 0.9.10″ have been resolved. Head on over to the and check it out! Also, don’t post bug reports or support requests in the comments. It’s a terrible venue for that, and there are other places specifically designed for it, such as, say, the Turn on JIT (dynamic recompiler) for HUGE speedup: • For Windows users: in main menu, choose Config -> Emulation Settings, check “Use dynamic recompiler” or add to command line “––cpu-mode=1″ • For Linux users: add to command line “––cpu-mode=1″ • For Mac users: In the Emulation menu, choose Emulation > Show Emulation Settings. Then in the Emulation Settings panel, select Dynamic Recompiler.