How to installed Ford IDS VCM2 Ford Diagnostic Software Ford IDS V108.01 VCM2 Ford Diagnostic updated for VCM2 Ford VCM II Ford Diagnostic Software support online programming released on Jan. Ford IDS V108 with Ford VCM2 for Ford diagnostics & programming till 2017. Some customer get v108 but can not installed it, here share VCM2 Ford IDS software installation Guide. Software Version: 108.01, no need activation Operating system: Windows XP/Windows 7 32/64 bit Multi-language: Tested with all VCM2 SP177 series, Ford VCM2 2-in-1 clone and VXDIAG VCX NANO Ford: Never failed!! Online programming: Supported!
Launch the VCM II Manager. Th e Start button All Programs Bosch VCI Software (6516-Suzuki) VCM Manager (6516-Suzuki). Click Connect. A green quote appears in the VCM image. Click on Show Details. Look, in the lines of the PC S / W Version and VCM II S / W Version, the numbers match. You can easily use Ford IDS and Mazda IDS in one PC with VMware. Open DVD and install. Open VCI Manager to check device. Open IDS software. Vci-manager.exe is the Bosch VCI Software (Ford-VCM-II) -'s primary executable file and it takes approximately 3.75 MB (3934208 bytes) on disk.
But you should have an account yourself. Ford IDS Software v108.01 function: 1. Ford IDS Software with VCM2 Able to download the very latest calibration files/software from Ford server if the network connection available at the time of connecting to vehicles 2.Ford IDS software with VCM2 Read and decode fault codes 3.
IDS Software with VCM2 Can Delete fault codes 4.Display System current parameters in digital form 5.Combined displaying of data 6.Logs Keeping: write and keep of digital parameters in memory 7.Special functions: changing of permissible seeting of blocks, programming etc. FAQ: Q: Whether Ford IDS V108.01 can work with Ford VCM 1 Clone? A: Yes, it can work with Ford VCM 1 clone Q: Is this Ford IDS v108 installed vmware or native A: This is native, install on new and clean windows xp/7 Ford IDS V108 Installation Guide step by step: What need prepara before Ford IDS V108 installation? Please backup the important files on the desktop and disk C because the next operation will cover the content in the disk C.
2.Disable both local area and wireless network connection 3.